Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pass the Cup Around..

If I've blogged about this before, I apologize. If I haven't then, please continue reading. I know I can simply just clear up the conclusion by checking my older post but I don't really feel like doing that at the moment.

I have come to realize there are two types of people in the world. The first type are those with a long string of ex-boyfriends or ex-girlfriends. And that's okay, you know. Dating around and deciding, finding out what you like and what you don't. And of course, need I mention you'll also gain lots of experience? ( not in that way, you fool! Get your head out of the gutter! ) But the downside is that you have to kiss all those frogs before finding your prince.

Then there's the second type. These people, I can relate to. I am one of them. We're not someone with a long long list of ex's. It's like, we try our best not to allow ourselves to be " tainted ", so to say. We just wait for that one person. But why? Why would you just keep yourself to that one when you could try others? Why don't you date around and see what you like? What you want? I don't know about other people but here's how I feel.

Let's just imagine I'm a full cup, filled with only the best wine. And when I date a person, they drink from me. If I take too many, so many people would've tasted of me and then, if I'm not careful, there won't be any of me left. I'd be an empty cup. But if I waited, for that one person, for that one right person whom I am meant to be with, he could have all of me. A full cup of the best wine all for him. And that's all I want to give him. All that I am able to.

My logic is, why kiss all the frogs when you can just go right for your prince? Who cares if he might be a Shrek, he's YOUR prince :)