Wednesday, August 18, 2010

10 Candles Too Many..?

So here I am with my thoughts turning upside down in the world because I am way too free. For today's absurd thoughts, they have landed on the, " Older man and younger woman " topic. I would write about Cougars and younger men too but, I don't think I'm in any position to comment on that.. yet :P

I don't know about you but I know I've always found older men more attractive. I also know it's sort of frowned upon, not as much as it was back then but not totally tolerated just yet.

Older men, I find are so much more charming. How so? Maybe because they've been out in the playing field for so much longer, they hardly have to care about being cool or impressing anyone. They have found who they are and are confident. Their confidence is just.. well, pretty sexual ( omg, yes I just said sexual! lol.. ). They also have broken off from that rebellious stage of youth. Do I even need to mention maturity and stability of character here?

Older men are also more laid back and are prepared for the next stage of their life. You know, marriage, kids and prepared to be serious. They want to settle down. They have also more knowledge and therefore becomes a person you can learn from as well as look up to. There can be intelligent conversations instead of the usual shallow ones. Not to mention sexy educated banter ( just thinking about it makes me shriek in delight! So sexy! )

Apart from that they're so much more established financially and hardly ever have an issue when it comes for paying for dates ( yes, I sound like a gold digger now.. lol ). They're just more established personally and professionally. They have a drive and goal!

For this section, I can't say I've had my share of experience BUT! Older men are most of the time more experienced sexually. Because of this they can also focus more on giving and teaching instead of just getting off ( sorry, am I being too crude? ).

I also like that older men know how to be considerate ( if they're dating you for the right reason. There are still plenty of leechers out there. ) and appreciate you. Youngsters have this mock confidence that borders on being rude. Older men I find are more refined, calm and controlled. I feel special when I am on the arm of an older man. I know I'm being respected and treated as I should be; special.

Older men are just the best.

Old age isn't so bad when you consider the alternative - Maurice Chevalier.