Sunday, October 26, 2008

Who Wants the Normal One Cause Plainly Normal is Alwayz Such a Bore

Sorry for the late update, I've just been crazily busy darlinz!


The following applies to the girls who falls for the wrong boyz or better known as the bad boyz. This category of guyz can be further broken down. You have the playas, the ones who are into bad habits such as smoking or drinking and then there's the plain downright non normal types. I know the final catagory very well cause am one of those gurlz who seems to alwayz go for these type of guyz. I never to seem to like the normal, decent ones.*sigh*

The plain weird: The kind of guy that does not call you back after a date, says he'll message or call you but doesnt. Talks to you and acts extra nice when he feels like it or if its his good day. His somewhat possesive in his own quirky ways. Gets pissed off when you get close to any other guy and doesn't bother talking to you until his calm down. Says he likes you but drives you insane but doing the complete opposite gestures. Checks out girls in front of you and tells you have a self esteem problems when you get annoyed. He pisses you off cause his find your reactions amusing. Never falls for your cute moves. And knows exactly how to get his way with you!

Yes thats my defination of the weird boy. I've fallen for this type of guy multiple times and no matter how hard I try to stay away from them, they somehow found their way into my life. Wander what attracts us to them. Their quirkyness, the fact that they're not normal perhaps or maybe its the fact that they keep us constantly on our toes. It's alwayz a roller coaster ride from the beginning with them and sometimes you just wish it'll stop but when it does, you find yourself missing them.Like wth right! They drove you insane and never gave explanations but theres just something that makes you going back for more.

Getting into a relationship with these kind of guyz can have 2 outcomes:

1. He'll change his quirky ways for you because he lovez you

2. He'll stay the same cause that who he is and you have to adjust to him

If you really like the guy and you're willing to change for him then go ahead and be with him but if you want him to change, I suggest you don't put all your hope on this guy cause there is a 50% chance of him changing.Cause one day you may realize that the complete opposite happened. This I've learned from experiences. But also make sure you don't change him too much, you definately dont want to lose the guy you fell in love with.

So to the girlz who have a thing for these kind of guyz,be careful and watch out at all times. His not the best guy to fall in love with but if you're willing to make the effort for him, then go ahead and all the best.

Cheers to the weirdos!
