I have a theory, based on several observations and self experience that
Definition of theory - Is not in any way an antonym of " fact "
Definition of law - Is a " fact "
For those of you who can't differentiate the two, there. Hehehe.
Anyways, I think that when you don't talk/look/call/touch/wtv else that means interraction with the person you keep thinking about, you'd become even MORE obsessed than if you actually had your " quota " for the day.
I'm serious!
It's like chocolates. When you abstain from them for SO LONG, you'd (almost) always end up stuffing your face with them rather than if you had a bit here and there along the way. Won't you agree with me? Because you lack that one thing/person so much (in which, stupid people end up ignoring/avoiding that particular person) you tend to go all out on the " attack " when you finally do make contact after that.
Does that make sense? I think it does.
THEREFORE, make sure you have your quota of the " chocolate " of your choice each day. Hehehe.. It'll help put off your craving for them.
* grins *. Coming in the very NEAR future, CheL's Theories 102!
- CheL.