I was out with Adam yesterday. Eh, so potong lah Izzy post before me. Maybe i'll delay this post for another day or two. Yeah, I shall. Well, when I say yesterday I actually mean Sunday so.. well, it doesn't really matter.
Moving on, we began talking about how some girls end up dumping their boyfriends because the BOYfriend they don't act " man " enough so to speak. haha. Do you get it?
For example, we girls always want a guy who is " tough " so we can therefore feel " safe ". haha.. so cliche sounding, but just bear with me. Whenever we go out, we always want the guy to choose the movie, where we want to eat, decide where we're going, what we're going to do and so on so forth. Because if WE end up doing it all the time, we'd feel as though we were the more dominant one and that we wore the pants in the relationship.
On the other hand, from a guy's point of view, he thinks he is being the gentleman when he allows his lady friend to decide/choose what they're going to eat, where they're going to go, what they want to do, what they're going to watch.. etc. I can't even BEGIN to tell you how WRONG you are when you DO that.
* sigh *.
Guys, get it through your heads, we do NOT want to make decisions. Just make it for us! If we don't like it, don't worry. We're not stupid. We'd tell you if we were totally against something or couldn't put up with it, BUT if we say nothing then it's totally fine with us. Don't worry!
If everyone understands that then, we could avoid all the heartbreaks and problems that arise from the whole decision dilemma.
Also, as in the previous post, Izzy said that we're 21st Century women and the whole guy making the first/move also translated as being the dominant should be broken, honestly? MOST if not ALL women like to be in the submissive role. I'm not KIDDING. We like to be TAKEN CARE OF. hahaha.
We're such losers but then again, you can't live with us, can't live without us either.
Oh and.. I know sometimes, it's not that the guy doesn't want to choose but it's because he just doesn't know WHAT to choose. Ladies, give me some help lah. Kesian the fella a bit lah. Okay? Like they said, relationships are two ways from two people.
Suck it up guys, it's going to be a long bumpy ride. =D