Sunday, May 10, 2009

Crazy In Love or Just Plain Love?

This came to me while Bloob Bloob was driving back, with me lying between the passenger and the driver's seat, while trying to talk to Ah Yee and Izzy. Ramblings really. 

Please let me know if you have something to say. I'd love it if you actually left a comment instead of the chatbox. That way I can actually keep track of it and look back. It just vanishes in the chatbox.

There's this person, who makes you feel like you're on top of the world. The feelings you feel with this person is beyond how others make you feel. In short, you're really really into him/her. So much so that you don't even see others; You don't take notice of them. You only have eyes for this individual. It might register in your brain that another guy is good looking but there are no forces of attraction beyond that.

But things don't seem to be smooth sailing between you guys. Probably will never end up together. Not in a million years.

Then there's this other person in your life. This one seems more like the " back-up plan " and second fiddle than anything else. You enjoy each other's company, there's some flirting here and there but, the passion and intensity isn't there as compared to the other person.

You think about it and, your mind says that this could work out between back-up guy if you work at things. So what then? What do you do?

It's a battle between your heart and your head.

Should you go for the back-up guy with whom it's just a very comfortable relationship but lack the passion and intensity? 


Should you wait around for that second love to come around to sweep you off your feet again? Of course there's no guarantee that it'll happen again. I mean, how often do you meet a person who is able to ignite such feelings deep within you? Not many, that's for sure.

So, should you just grab what's in front of you though that's not really what you want? or opt for that chance that may or may not come to be once again, crazy in love. Of course, till that second love comes, you're going to be pretty lonely. I'm sure they'll be friends around but, you know it's not the same.

In the end, which will you go for? 
Crazy in love, or just plain love?