Friday, March 27, 2009

I Want To Fall In Love..

I want to fall in love. 

I want to fall desperately and uncontrollably in love.
I want to feel that his existence is as important as every breath I take. 
I want to feel empty when he's not with me. 
I want to feel absolutely complete when I'm with him. 
I want to be miserable when he's unhappy.
I want to be happy when his life is going good. 
I want to be co-dependent. I don't want to be alone.
I want to be loved unconditionally.
I want to love someone unconditionally.

I want to fall in love. It's such a simple statement yet, entirely selfish. However, it isn't bad to be able to admit that there is an emptiness within us that we want to fill but have no clue how.

It's odd to want to try to express the empty feelings that gnaws when you're walking down the street and see a couple kiss or a valentine's card, knowing nobody is looking for one for you. It's difficult.
It's an emptiness that makes you feel like you've missed out. What happened to my share of frogs that I'm supposed to kiss? My highschool years should have been filled with at least one frog, or maybe if I'm lucky, with my prince, but all I have to show is nothing. Zilch. Where was my drama? My heartbreaks? It leaves you wondering what it's like to hold someone's hand. When did I make the wrong choice? It makes you feel left out. Naive.
Of course being alone isn't all bad. Nobody has ever been close enough to hurt you. But then, haven't you ever wanted someone to hurt you? Just for the sake of experiencing it. It's easy to keep going, occupying your mind until you can't actually feel anything. And yet, once you slow down, everything catches up to you and hits you like a train.
There has to be someone out there.. right?
Prince Charming, find me soon. Find me.